Mixpanel for Voice AI

Map Your Voice AI Agent Call Journeys
See When And Why Your Voice AI Calls Are Failing

Call Path Analysis

Vizualize call flows and classify outcomes, KPIs and more!

  • Map Caller Journeys
  • Visualize common (and uncommon) conversation flows
    Find the calls that go off course and figure out why!
  • Find calls that meet specific criteria.
  • 'Show me all the calls that successfully booked an appointment.'
  • Identify drop-off points
  • Easily spot the call stage where frustrated callers hang up.
  • Did we miss a key metric? Define your own!
  • Add your own custom metrics to track what matters most for your Voice AI Agent's performance.

    'My key metric is the number of times a user repeats themselves. Show me calls with more than three caller-repeat events.'
Demo Call Paths

Call Metrics

Take a look inside and see what's happening in your calls!

Mean Signal-to-Noise Ratio (dB)

% of Speech with Pitch > 300 Hz (%)

Mean Voice AI Latency (ms)

Mean Words Per Minute (WPM)

# Interruptions Per Call Per Minute (Int / Call * Min)

Improve Your AI Voice Assistant Quality

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Pricing plans for teams of all sizes

Flexible pricing plans designed to get you up and running in no time. Start monitoring your voice assistants today.


A plan for trying out our platform.



Get started
  • Up to 4 hours of call recordings per month


A plan that scales with your rapidly growing business.


* per minute of call recording

Get started
  • Up to 50,000 call recording minutes per month


Dedicated support and infrastructure for your company.



Contact Founders
  • Unlimited call recording minutes

Voice AI Quality Metrics

Speech-to-text errors? Your Voice AI agent misunderstands the human? It could be background noise.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in Voice AI

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is a crucial metric in Voice AI. It measures the strength of the desired voice signal compared to background noise. A higher SNR indicates clearer audio, while a lower SNR suggests more interference.

Why SNR Matters:

  • AI Performance: Higher SNR and better audio quality improve ASR accuracy and natural language processing.
  • User Experience: Clearer audio means your Voice AI agent understands the user, improving call success rates.
  • Adaptability: Monitor SNR to adjust audio signal processing in real-time for optimal performance.

SNR Ranges:

  • Excellent: >20 dB
  • Good: 10-20 dB
  • Poor: <10 dB

By monitoring and optimizing SNR, Voice AI systems can deliver superior performance, ensuring clear and effective communication in various acoustic environments.

Background Noise

SNR: 9

No Background Noise

SNR: 40

Voice AI Evaluation

Easily find and fix issues with your Voice AI with these features.


Know what your Voice AI is doing with the real-time dashboard.

Monitor SNR, pitch, latency, WPM, and interruptions in real-time to ensure your Voice AI is performing well.

Mean Signal-to-Noise Ratio (dB)

Mean Words Per Minute (WPM)

Deep Dive

When your Voice AI call fails, find the issue right away.

Analyze detailed metrics for every conversation. Take a deep dive and resolve the issue quicker.

Conversation Flow Analysis

This timeline visualizes the back-and-forth between AI and Human, highlighting the flow of conversation and any interruptions.

Color Code: Blue represents AI speaking time, Green represents Human speaking time.

Interruptions: Red markers indicate points where one participant interrupted the other.

Duration: The length of each bar represents the duration of each speaking turn.

Overlap: Overlapping bars indicate simultaneous speech, often seen during interruptions.

Analyzing this timeline can provide insights into conversation dynamics, turn-taking patterns, and the frequency and nature of interruptions.


Make sure you didn’t break your Voice AI with your latest changes.

Whether it’s a new feature, a bug fix, or a third-party provider change, evaluate the impact on your Voice AI.

Daily Voice Metrics

These metrics represent the daily averages of key voice quality indicators. They provide insights into the overall performance and characteristics of the voice interactions.

Mean SNR

40 dB
Max: 50 dB

Mean Voice AI Latency

250 ms
Max: 1000 ms

Mean WPM

150 words/min
Max: 220 words/min

Mean % Speech with Pitch > 300 Hz

35 %
Max: 100 %

SNR: Signal-to-Noise Ratio, higher is better.

Latency: Response time, lower is better.

WPM: Words Per Minute, measures speaking speed.

% Speech with pitch > 300 Hz: Percentage of time the voice pitch was above 300 Hz.